Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vegetarians Can't Live on Rabbit Food and Doritos Alone

If you're a vegetarian, you need to make sure you're getting enough protein (switch the meat and eggs to nuts, beans and soy) iron, and vitamin B12. Remember to drink water and keep hydrated!

Best Foods containing iron:
- Dried beans
- Spinach
- Dried fruit

B12 comes naturally only from animal products but can be found in some fortified (not enriched) breakfast cereals, fortified soy beverages, some brands of nutritional (brewer's) yeast and vitamin supplements.
Vegetarians and vegans must find alternative resources for calcium and vitamin D that we omnivores get from dairy products. A good tip! Some stores even sell multi vitamin and calcium gummy vitamins with many good flavors, for those that have a sweet tooth.
Or you can try calcium -fortified soy beans, tofu, spinach, molasses and oatmeal.